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Lifelong Learning

Sacred learning leads to sacred living!
Lifelong learning is a vital necessity for the continual development
of one's Jewish identity, and it's never too late to start!
I enjoy teaching all ages: from preschool to young adults to adult education. 

Adult Education

Currently, I organize and teach the Adult B'nai Mitzvah Program, "Delving into Prayer," and the bi-weekly "Women's Torah Commentary" classes. Other courses that I teach include: “The Shabbat JEW-kbox,” “Shabbat Liturgy Workshop,” and “Have a Little Faith,” “Delving Into Prayer." I am also a guest teacher for the "Introduction to Judaism" course, in partnership with local clergy colleagues. 

Family Education

Family Education enables parents and children an opportunity to learn and deepen their understandings, no matter where they are starting from. Some of the programs I currently teach include "Torah Time," "Shalom, Shabbat," "Bedtime Blessings," "My First Holidays," and "Family Mitzvot."

Mommy Minyan

Mommy Minyan offers the opportunity for mothers of young children to connect  while learning about Jewish values and holidays through interactive, innovative, and spiritual monthly meet-ups!

Religious School

Alongside my clergy partners, I teach the Confirmation and Post-Confirmation classes and prepare students to become b'nai mitzvah.

I also co-led the three-week Confirmation Class Trip to Israel as well as the Post-Confirmation Jewish Heritage Trip to New York City.


Alongside my clergy partners, I also lead preschool programming such as Tot Shabbat, Havdallah, and "Talk with Rabbi."

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